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Having been a passionate voice for increasing the amount of nurturing touch happening in the world and especially the UK, I am very pleased to announce the launch of the Human Touch Foundation. I have created this organisation to promote the benefits of non-sexual nurturing touch  and to regulate other practitioners so that the integrity of the work can be protected. 


If you're thinking of attending a cuddle or nurturing touch event, we strongly recommend that you ensure the event is working in alignment with the Human Touch Foundation guidelines (below) and our official kite mark is displayed on their marketing materials. 

The Human Touch Foundation Guidelines and Code of Practice


Cuddle events are:


A place where everyone from all walks of life are welcome and diversity is celebrated

A non-sexual space for people to explore loving nurturing touch 

Non-Political spaces where no social agenda, moral principle or specific ideology is promoted

Non-Religious spaces where people of all faiths and people of no faith will feel equally comfortable

Non-Competitive spaces where people are encouraged to feel they are amongst equals

Non-Perfectionist spaces where all people are considered whole and complete as they are

Non-Threatening spaces where people will not be pushed, challenged or confronted

Built on the principle of unconditional love and the inherent beauty of human nature


At the workshop participants are instructed to:

Always ask permission before you touch anyone

Ask for what they want and always honour their own boundaries

Never do anything that they don’t want to do, the event will make this explicit during each exercise

No kissing, and keep touch, movement and energy nurturing and non sexual

Always keep at least one layer of outer clothing on

All emotions are welcome, and let people have their own experiences

Always respect other people’s beliefs, feelings, philosophies and faiths

Always say thank you after connecting with others 



Cuddle Facilitators must:

Operate at all times with integrity, professionalism and respect for all people

Never enter into sexual or financial arrangements with participants  (Within 3 months of last event)

Never exploit, manipulate or aggress any participant

Never do anything to bring the reputation of cuddle events/therapy into disregard

Have a copy of this code of practice document on their website and available to view during events

Follow the Human Touch Foundation guidelines at all times


Any breach in the above guidelines must be reported to the Human Touch Foundation so the integrity of Cuddle events can be protected.

This kite mark shows that the cuddle event is built on the essential

principles that make this beautiful work safe, inclusive and effective. 



You may decide that you would like to train up to run your own Cuddle Events and offer them to the public. Anna will soon be offering Cuddle Facilitator Training in the UK. 

You can then become a Cuddle Facilitator and can use the HTF Accredited kitemark.  You will also have the option to list your event on our website. Please get in touch for more details. 



Cuddle Workshop

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